Clinical Pharmacy Exploring the Unknown: Cryptogenic Stroke Strokes always have a source of origin and a cause, right? Wrong. Sometimes in medicine, there isn't an etiology. One example, cryptogenic stroke.
Paid-members only Monthly Recaps December Recap 2023 We are back with another monthly post for our paid subscribers. In this post, we also share a number of fun things that are more personal, interesting, and meant to create a closer community around RxTeach.
Science Cancer Basics Here are some general principles (which have many exceptions) that can be used to describe "cancer" as a whole. Let's talk about some cancer basics.
Clinical Pharmacy Case Studies: Drug Interactions and Adverse Drug Reactions EMR alerts can be life-saving, but they can also lead to alert fatigue and errors. We walk through four cases that detail how important these alerts can be!
Professional Development What is a Medical Science Liaison (MSL)? Let's talk about the purpose of an MSL, why pharmacists are a good fit, and why these roles are so competitive.
4 Habits to Stop Now I know we're still a month out from New Year's, but that doesn't mean we can't take a little more control of our lives today! In fact, taking command of your life now can help you mentally "earn" the upcoming
Paid-members only Monthly Recaps November Recap 2023 We are back with another monthly post for our paid subscribers. In this post, we also share a number of fun things that are more personal, interesting, and meant to create a closer community around RxTeach.
Students How to Navigate ASHP Midyear If you know you know: ASHP Midyear is a BEAST. We want to simplify this conference for you and help you navigate such a crazy experience!
Paid-members only Clinical Pharmacy Syphilis Buckle up for a quick run down of one intricate disease, syphilis! Dr. White is here to introduce us to syphilis, the different stages, and how to treat the disease!
Students The Art of Networking: Building Valuable Connections Having now spent time on the other side since graduating from pharmacy school, I know this phrase to be true. In fact, I wouldn't have successfully landed my last 2 jobs in the industry if I had not properly networked within this small world!
Clinical Pharmacy POP QUIZ 2: Common Lab Values Test yourself on the lab values below! See how much you know (or don't know, wink wink)
Paid-members only Monthly Recaps October Recap 2023 We are back with another monthly post for our paid subscribers. In this post, we also share a number of fun things that are more personal, interesting, and meant to create a closer community around RxTeach.
The Social Contract of Punctuality If you follow these principles, your friends, family, and colleagues will appreciate it. They'll be thankful that you appropriately respect their time. If you don't, just know that it annoys the hell out of them. They're just too nice to tell you so!
Paid-members only Clinical Pharmacy Arrhythmias Our hearts are incredible organs, but what happens when abnormal rhythms start to take over? Dr. Liang is here to teach us all about arrhythmias and how to treat them!
Trying Something New: RxTeach YouTube Channel Taking the leap on something new can be very daunting. Almost all of us have an idea for a project, company, or other endeavor, but rarely do we choose to put that idea into action. There are 2 main reasons for this, so far as I can tell. 1. We&
Paid-members only Clinical Pharmacy Let's Iron This Out: Controversies in Iron Therapy! Many controversies exist with iron supplementation in the medical field. We walk through infection risk, use in heart failure, chronic kidney disease, and more!
Health and Wellness How to "Prescribe" Exercise (Part 3): Strength Part 3 of the series will explain how to prescribe strength exercises to your patients.
Paid-members only Monthly Recaps September Recap 2023 Go grab you pumpkin spice lattes, it's time for Fall! For anyone who may have missed some of our September articles, below you'll find a quick summary with key takeaways from each post.
Students There Are No "Bad" Habits I have never had an audiobook stop me in my tracks and compel me to write down a quote because it resonated with me so much. Atomic Habits did just that.
Health and Wellness How to "Prescribe" Exercise (Part 2): Aerobic Capacity Part 2 of the series will kick off how to prescribe exercise to your patients, and we're starting with potentially the most important pillar of longevity: aerobic capacity.
Science Series Introduction: How to "Prescribe" Exercise These posts will be very detailed with a variety of linked articles and you should treat them like a therapeutics lecture. To kick us off, we're going to focus on why exercise is so important and look at some data. Let's go back to school.
Paid-members only Monthly Recaps August Recap 2023 For anyone who may have missed some of our July articles, here is a quick summary with key takeaways from each post!
Clinical Pharmacy The Danger of SALAD First off, no, we are not talking about the leafy green, nutrient dense salads we eat every once in a while. SALAD is an acronym for "Sound Alike Look Alike Drugs." The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) is an organization devoted entirely to preventing medication errors.